<aside> <img src="/icons/conversation_gray.svg" alt="/icons/conversation_gray.svg" width="40px" /> At a glance: In the span of 2.5 months, we curated, co-organised, and supported 12 public workshops with our various collaborators**.** These workshops explored themes such as: our society’s relationship to space; personal and collective memory-making; grief and loss. Our socially-engaged practice gathered an organic network around us. An estimated more than 60 students, public servants, researchers, cultural workers, and/or simply folks who were invested in practising co-learning and active citizenry accompanied us in our learning journeys.


Full list of workshops:


This series of workshops, titled “Situations”, were the first of our public engagements. We hoped to activate Peace Centre as a space for learning, inquiry, community and creative expression. While primarily conceptualised and/or led by APPC members, we invited guests to collaborate and host teach-ins, themed sharings, and dialogue sessions. Situations sessions were held either in our own APPC unit at #03-20, or in borrowed spaces. such as other tenants’ units.

Situations #2: “What do we do with our nostalgia?”

Situations #3: a workshop about documentation?

Situations #4: Come Leave in Peace

Situations #5: A community tour; perspectives from the temporary (final) inhabitants of Peace Centre

Situations #6: “they never say cannot what”


Situations #1: “If we repurposed old malls, I’d want to see…”

Situations: Nosedive

Artist Sharing: The Architecture of Demolition

Artist Sharing: Of Love and Loss workshop

Special collaboration: APPC x DEEP CUTS